Main Entry: in•sight
Pronunciation: ĭn'sīt'
Function: noun
Insight is the revealing of the core unconscious driver of human behavior. Brands serve real functions as well as what we at Psychologics call a prop function. The prop function is the core unconscious motivation for the purchase of the brand.
Does the brand help the consumer to somehow function in a more successful way? Does it speak to an unconscious illusion that is operating within the consumer target group? Does the brand assist emotionally in achieving any psychological developmental achievement?
The insight is the critical psychological unconscious motivation that offers the best fit between the target consumer and the brand identity.
Because of our training in ego psychology and psychoanalytic developmental theory we are able to peel the onion, so to speak, and arrive at the critical psychic benefit of the brand for the consumer.
Main Entry: in•sight
Pronunciation: ĭn'sīt'
Function: noun
- The capacity to discern the true nature of a situation; penetration
- The act or outcome of grasping the inward or hidden nature of things or of perceiving in an intuitive manner
Insight is the revealing of the core unconscious driver of human behavior. Brands serve real functions as well as what we at Psychologics call a prop function. The prop function is the core unconscious motivation for the purchase of the brand.
Does the brand help the consumer to somehow function in a more successful way? Does it speak to an unconscious illusion that is operating within the consumer target group? Does the brand assist emotionally in achieving any psychological developmental achievement?
The insight is the critical psychological unconscious motivation that offers the best fit between the target consumer and the brand identity.
Because of our training in ego psychology and psychoanalytic developmental theory we are able to peel the onion, so to speak, and arrive at the critical psychic benefit of the brand for the consumer.