Main Entry: ac•tion
Pronunciation: ăk'shən
Function: noun
In order for a psychic insight to be successful it must be translated into a marketing or position statement.
Because we at Psychologics are clinically trained psychotherapists trained in market research as well as senior strategic planners, we are able to offer our clients the advantage of not only a deep psychological analysis of consumers and brands but also knowledge of how to transform these insights into a beginning positioning direction for the brand.
This makes in-depth psychological research relevant and easy to grasp for the non-psychological graduate.
A list of many happy clients can attest to the power of this approach in helping to grow their brand. By providing the core insights into the brand (the prop qualities of the brand) as well as the potential position of the brand identity (based on the psychological insights) our clients are able to get a fresh perspective of how their brand can grow.
Main Entry: ac•tion
Pronunciation: ăk'shən
Function: noun
- Something done or accomplished; Organized activity to accomplish an objective
- The causation of change by the exertion of power or a natural process
In order for a psychic insight to be successful it must be translated into a marketing or position statement.
Because we at Psychologics are clinically trained psychotherapists trained in market research as well as senior strategic planners, we are able to offer our clients the advantage of not only a deep psychological analysis of consumers and brands but also knowledge of how to transform these insights into a beginning positioning direction for the brand.
This makes in-depth psychological research relevant and easy to grasp for the non-psychological graduate.
A list of many happy clients can attest to the power of this approach in helping to grow their brand. By providing the core insights into the brand (the prop qualities of the brand) as well as the potential position of the brand identity (based on the psychological insights) our clients are able to get a fresh perspective of how their brand can grow.