


Main Entry: anal•y•sis
Pronunciation: ə-năl'ĭ-sĭs
Function: noun

  • The separation of an intellectual or material
    whole into its constituent parts for individual

  • The study of such constituent parts and their interrelationships in making up a whole

  • A spoken or written presentation of such study


Our method of analysis consists of the use of custom designed projective techniques that are used to help consumers to reveal emotionally powerful unconscious as well as conscious thoughts, feelings conflicts, wishes and defenses.

These proprietary techniques; dream work, archetype insight technique, covert imagery, personification, etc. are each employed to reveal what a consumer would not be able to share in regular focus group’s or one-on-one’s.

The difference is that our techniques allow for the projection of what is normally kept hidden by repression. It remains repressed because it may not be as acceptable to the respondent or to those around him.

The Psychologics trained moderator is able to explore what is revealed by the techniques in such a way that we learn what really drives consumer behavior.

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